A big levy for the West Ada School District, library board seats, and Cascade fire and hospital funding are some of the issues up for a vote.
proposed levy to raise funds for school construction and maintenance in Idaho’s largest school district, the West Ada School District, is just one of the local issues up for a vote in the upcoming May 16 election.
More information about what’s on the ballot in southwest and south-central Idaho is posted for each county below, and can be accessed by clicking one of the chapter links at the top of this story.
What voters throughout Idaho need to know
Friday, April 21, is the last day to register to vote using the state’s online registration system. After that, Idaho residents may register at a polling place on Election Day or at an in-person early voting location.
Absentee ballots may be requested through May 5, but only if you have registered or updated your registration by April 21.
In-person early voting is open May 1-12, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the counties offering that option.
Under Idaho law, voters are required to show photo identification. If a voter is registered but not able to show an acceptable ID, the voter may sign a personal identification affidavit instead, swearing their stated identity is true under penalty of perjury. More information about identification requirements is available here.
More questions? Ask your county clerk. Go here for contact information for elections clerks in all 44 of Idaho’s counties.
Source: KTVB 7